Replica Balenciaga Store

replica Balenciaga store

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Shipping & Returns


Customized items are final sale and cannot be returned.

Many items are eligible for refunds:

We assure you of our complete satisfaction. Before enjoying the simple exchange and return policy, you must contact us and return to the receiving address before sending back the email. And ensure that all items sent back to us must be in their original state, i.e. no wear, change or cleaning, with all labels.

We accept returns if the goods are damaged or have any shipping errors, such as you receive a wrong model, wrong size or wrong color goods. You'd better take a picture of the goods you want to change and show it to us as evidence so that we can confirm the information and deal with the problem for you as soon as possible. All problems shall be solved within 30 days, including exchange time. If you return appropriate goods for refund: all returned goods will be subject to an additional purchase fee of 15%. Freight and handling charges are non refundable.

We will not bear the transportation cost of returning goods or exchanging the correct order packaging. You will be responsible for the transportation and handling costs. In addition, we suggest you add tracking and insurance for your own protection, because we can't be responsible for the lost goods.

All returned goods should be sent to the shipping address where we email you.



We provide free delivery service for every customer and deliver orders all over the world. No matter where you are, as long as you are our customer, you can enjoy our best service!

Your order will be sent out through USPS or DHL within 10 business days, and the package will be received within 17 - 24 business days.

If you need it faster,We will use an appropriate carrier to despatch your order. Your order will be sent out within 3 to 5 business days. and the package will be received within 10-15 business days.

Please note that faster freight will be confirmed before the payment process is completed. If you do not receive your email number within five days after placing an order, your email server may have regarded it as spam. In this case, please contact us to assist in order tracking.

For customized items, the item will be sent out within 15 business days.

Customized items are final sale and cannot be returned.

Many items are eligible for refunds:

We assure you of our complete satisfaction. Before enjoying the simple exchange and return policy, you must contact us and return to the receiving address before sending back the email. And ensure that all items sent back to us must be in their original state, i.e. no wear, change or cleaning, with all labels.

We accept returns if the goods are damaged or have any shipping errors, such as you receive a wrong model, wrong size or wrong color goods. You'd better take a picture of the goods you want to change and show it to us as evidence so that we can confirm the information and deal with the problem for you as soon as possible. All problems shall be solved within 30 days, including exchange time. If you return appropriate goods for refund: all returned goods will be subject to an additional purchase fee of 15%. Freight and handling charges are non refundable.

We will not bear the transportation cost of returning goods or exchanging the correct order packaging. You will be responsible for the transportation and handling costs. In addition, we suggest you add tracking and insurance for your own protection, because we can't be responsible for the lost goods.

All returned goods should be sent to the shipping address where we email you.